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Julie Lifton
Jan 28, 20212 min read
Resources and Bibliography
Bibliography and Resources: (there are many more, these are the ones who most directly fed my curiosity as I prepared my Zoom classes and...

Julie Lifton
Jan 14, 20214 min read
Discoverer's Mind
“Yoga begins with listening.” This might be my favorite quote about yoga. It’s the first line of The Mirror of Yoga: Awakening the...

Julie Lifton
Oct 11, 20204 min read
Yoga for healing sexual trauma: Brahmacharya in life.
TRIGGER WARNING: This piece deals with the difficult topic of sexual violence, which I am a survivor of. Please read and share, and take...

Julie Lifton
Sep 3, 20203 min read
Satya & Asteya: Being Truthful and Not Stealing
My dear friend and teacher, Judith Rose, said to me the other day, “Falling in love with the truth is not for sissies!” AMEN! The second...

Julie Lifton
Aug 29, 20203 min read
Ahimsa: Where it Begins and Remains
Yesterday I started teaching my yoga classes on Zoom for The Bronx Community College where I’m heading into my eleventh year. After...

Julie Lifton
Aug 26, 20202 min read
Mahā-Vrata: The Great Rules, The Yamas of Yoga
Philosophy in Action, is a new series in my yoga classes during which we explore how principles of yoga philosophy relate to our daily...

Julie Lifton
Jul 12, 20203 min read
Yoga Requires Courage
This is a line from Mary Oliver’s poem, Mystery, Yes: Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous to be understood. ………. How people come,...

Julie Lifton
Jul 8, 20201 min read
Trikonasa / Rapunzel's Tower
There stuck in a tower, I became a Rapunzel Crone. Cut off, angry and afraid. What to do? What to do? Do Yoga. Stand Up. Tilt the pelvis...

Julie Lifton
Jun 24, 20203 min read
Practice Makes Better
Practice makes us better. The word for practice in Sanskrit is Abhyasa. There is a kind of perseverance implied in the word. Abhyasa is...

Julie Lifton
Jun 10, 20204 min read
How Does Hatha Help Us Now
Ha = Sun Tha = Moon Hatha = Sun + Moon Yoga = Union When the world feels out of balance, as it does now, it helps to turn to what works...
Julie Lifton
May 29, 20203 min read
What Is My Job?
When horrible things happen in the world, I question, for the umpteenth time, how far my role as a yoga teacher goes towards addressing...

Julie Lifton
May 23, 20201 min read
Balasana, The Child's Pose
Curl up. Curl in. Get little and listen. Back like a shell, a cave, a birdhouse. Go inside. Go back. A back like a den, your back to the...

Julie Lifton
May 19, 20203 min read
Asana: The Seat
You may remember the wonderful book, Be Here Now, by Ram Dass. On the cover of the book in the center of a web of crisscrossing lines is...

Julie Lifton
May 16, 20203 min read
Reflecting on Zoom: Santosha and Dayenu
דַּיֵּנו / संतोष In last week’s class I drew a connection between the Hebrew word Dayenu, and the Sanskrit word Santosha. The Hebrew word...
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